Douglas Whalin late antique historian

Review of Religion in den Bergen in Orbis Terrarum

My review of Michael Kasper, Robert Rollinger, Andreas Rudigier, and Josef Wiesehöfer (eds.), Religion in den Bergen. Sakrale Orte, Heiligtümer, Performanz, Mythos und Alltagsleben (2023) has just been published. It appears in Orbis Terrarum vol. 22 (2024). The reviewed volume contains the proceedings of a 2021 conference on Religion in the Mountains. The volume’s thirty-two papers are quite diverse, and while the majority focus on the Mediterranean basin and Europe in the ancient through early modern period, other contributions come from much further afield including South Asia, Iran, Ethiopia, the Black Hills of North America, and the southern Andes. Given the chronological and geographical breadth, there’s likely to be something for everyone here.

The review section of Orbis Terrarum is open access, and can be found at, and I have uploaded a copy of just my review to my page (link in the top bar). My thanks and congratulations to the editors, Profs. Michael Rathmann (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Veronica Bucciantini (Florence) and Frank Daubner (Trier) for their hard work getting this year’s edition of the journal published.