Douglas Whalin late antique historian

Mountain Dialogues from Antiquity to Modernity now available

Congratulations to Dawn Hollis and Jason König, the editors for the volume Mountain Dialogues from Antiquity to Modernity which was just published by Bloomsbury Academic. This volume contains the revised proceedings of a very productive workshop which I had the pleasure to attend in early December 2018. I contributed a chapter titled ‘Mountains ... Read more

Roman Identity from the Arab Conquests to the Triumph of Orthodoxy is now out!

My first book is now out! It is published by Palgrave Macmillan as part of their series New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture (NABHC). This monograph is a revision of my 2016 PhD thesis. This book asks how the inhabitants and neighbours of the Eastern Roman Empire understand their identity as Romans in the centuries following the emer... Read more

‘Pagan’ classics, Christians, and a Late Antique world-mountain

The following appeared as a guest-post for the Mountains in the Classical Tradition Blog, part of a Leverhulme-supported research project by Jason König and Dawn Hollis, members of the School of Classics at the University of St Andrews. My thanks to both of them for the opportunity to share a bit of Late Antiquity with a wider audience. The mou... Read more

Digital Syriac codicology and paleography resources

I was looking for tools to help identify Syriac manuscripts, and was surprised to find how diffused the resources were. I’m putting them together with some short annotations in this blog post partially in order to ensure that I will be able to find them again the next time I need them, although hopefully it might help someone else find something... Read more

Visiting the Research Centre for Islamic Numismatics Tübingen (FINT)

Last week, I along with other fellows currently based at the Center for Advanced Studies “Migration und Mobilität in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter” at the University of Tübingen, had the opportunity to visit the university’s world-class collection of Islamic coins. Our visit was organized and hosted by Dr. al-Chomari from the Forschungsstelle f... Read more